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The VCR Act 2006
The VCR Act is a piece of legislation that impacts all in the hobby as the pistols we use are considered to be realistic imitation firearms. At the moment, 1870's based; de-activated firearms (with certificate); and replica weapons are exempt. Historical bladed weapons are also included in the VCR Act and need to be displayed or demonstrated accordingly.
You are the only one responsible for your actions, it is therefore important that you comply with the act. The likelihood of issues for those who are responsible and complicit is very slim. You need to do the relevant research to check if you need any additional license's, and apply for them. Our team have the knowledge to help with this, but we cannot make applications for you. We will always help our members to remain on the right side of the law.
Our weapons look realistic, the issue with this is that someone could believe you have a real weapon and report you to the police. Although being part of a re-enactment group allows you to carry these items it is not an excuse to behave recklessly. Reckless and irresponsible behaviour could mean the group is taken to court, this would mean high costs and the need for experts to be brought in. You could also lose your equipment if found to be non compliant.
No! The VCR act covers anything which could be used as a weapon. This includes blank firing guns, knives, and other bladed articles. Re-enactors need to be cautious of this as many own these props.
In order to comply with the act you should be a member of an insured organized club or covered by the National Association for Re-enactment Societies (NAReS).
Currently in the UK you can be sentenced to 5 years for carrying an illegal firearm; and sentenced to 4 years for carrying a knife. Any police reports could potentially mean you lose your props/equipment.
For further reading of the VCR Act, please click here, or scan the QR code.
We aren't the policy makers, but by emailing us on info@sotow.co.uk we will do our best to answer your queries on a more personal level.
As mentioned the National Association of Re-enactment Societies (NAReS) and Shooters Rights Association (SRA) are useful organisations to help be on the right side of the law. Alternatively, you can click our 'Join Us' button to become a member as we're an organised group with insurance, and NAReS accreditation.